Tattoo aftercare and the new tattoo healing.

The tattoo healing process. Tattoo aftercare and the new tattoo healing process is important and is a vital part of your tattoo journey so don’t ignore it. Irreversible life-long damage can occur in the 2 weeks, mostly caused by infections and other skin...

Water and sunlight on a New Tattoo.

New tattoo care – swimming, hot tubs, showers and sun. Keeping your new tattoo out of direct sunlight. The harsh rays of the sun may cause your skin to blister and bleach some of the colors from your new tattoo. It is best to keep your tattoo covered and away...

New tattoo infections and what to look for.

Healthy Tattoo Aftercare And New Tattoo Healing. Healthy Tattoo Aftercare And New Tattoo Healing. Tattoo healing problems are mostly seen as infections appearing as a rash or red rough skin in or around the new tattoo area. A mild red rash can simply be the results of...

Best Place for a New Tattoo

Where to put a new tattoo. There is no right or wrong place to get some new art on your body but, where you choose to place it may have an influence on the way you are perceived in the workplace (sad but true … still). Though you may consider this to be an...