Tattoo Information

What tattoo should I get?

Decision time. For a first timer, what sort of tattoo should I get, is a major decision and can be deeply personal. The choice of art is very...

Cosmetic tattoos and micro-blading.

The difference between cosmetic tattoos and micro-blading Cosmetic tattoos and micro-blading offer a whole range of opportunities to enhance any...

Why is my tattoo peeling?

Your first tattoo is exciting, and will very soon raise the question of tattoo healing and peeling.This is the short answer:   New tattoos peel as a...

Your new tattoo and tattoo care.

Your new tattoo and tattoo care. You want a new tattoo and you have an artist in mind that you have used in the past. You think you can trust this...

Water and sunlight on a New Tattoo.

New tattoo care - swimming, hot tubs, showers and sun. Keeping your new tattoo out of direct sunlight. The harsh rays of the sun may cause your skin...

Best Place for a New Tattoo

Where to put a new tattoo. There is no right or wrong place to get some new art on your body but, where you choose to place it may have an influence...